WelcomeNST exists to change lives: The lives of refugee and immigrant families who are in the U.S. legally and the lives of our volunteers who create Neighborhood Support Teams or NSTs to offer refuge in their communities.
Private Resettlement:
A Game Changer!
Private Resettlement has been cited by the US Department of State as the “boldest innovation in refugee resettlement in four decades.” It allows us to welcome and assist refugees by collaborating as a community team to offer refuge in our neighborhoods. We're proud to be the leader, engaging more private groups than any organization in the country.
The Power of Community
At the heart of every NST is a team leader who recruits a team of friends and neighbors who work together to welcome a refugee family to their community. They raise funds and coordinate housing, education, employment, and more and then walk by the family's side for a 6-12 month period, ensuring the family's self-sufficiency.
Making a Difference:
NST in Action
Watch the story of Kathy Romeo, an NST leader outside of Boston, MA, who welcomed a family of four from Guatemala. Learn about her experience and the incredible impact building an NST had on not only the refugee family but her family and her community as well.

“I honestly cannot think of a greater blessing for our community than to have the privilege of inviting refugee families into our lives and calling them our friends.”
~ Elizabeth Davis-Edwards
WelcomeNST founder/CEO and NST leader
Impacting Lives: Now and for Future Generations
WelcomeNST has created over 280 Neighborhood Support Teams in 34 states across the country who have harnessed the power of over 4,000 community volunteers who have welcomed over 1,000 refugees…and we’re just getting started!