Welcome a refugee or immigrant now!
Form a Neighborhood Support Team or NST today and make a difference that lasts a lifetime.
Reimagine Charity
with Neighborhood Support Teams
In a world that's all too often divided, building connections across dividing lines is difficult, yet desperately needed. When we find common ground with other humans with profoundly different life experiences from our own, our minds and hearts expand and everyone wins.
Today, WelcomeNST is reimagining charity: Making it personal and direct with a focus on the "one."
One Family, One Neighborhood at a Time: We translate the massive needs driven by the global refugee crisis to the needs of one family for one community at a time
One-on-One Impact: We set your community up to successfully make a direct impact on a refugee family as you support them on the road from new arrival to self-sufficiency.
100% Guarantee: As you work together with your community to trigger generational change for a family, we can promise you one thing. This experience will change your life.
There are 100 million displaced people in the world. We are changing that, one family at a time.
Offering Refuge to Refugee Families by Launching an NST
WelcomeNST believes that, when we connect those in need of refuge directly with communities willing to welcome the stranger, everyone's hearts and minds expand. And when that happens, everyone wins. So today, we’re asking you to join us and Be the Miracle by offering refuge for a family. And in doing so, become part of the secret silent miracle of human progress - the only plausible solution to the global refugee crisis.
Donate Today to Help Us Serve More Refugees
Every $1 donation to WelcomeNST is an investment in the next NST. It enables us to find and form a new Neighborhood Support Team (NST) and connect them with a family seeking refuge.
Once formed, that NST then reaches out to their community to raise money for the family they will welcome, returning your investment x5 directly to a refugee family.
That’s a 5x return for every $1 donation!